================================================================ Title :BLADES Filename :BLADES.WAD Author :Rob "Blades" Wan Email Address :wanrcm@sun.aston.ac.uk (expires July 1996) Misc. Author Info :Electronic Systems Student Description :A DOOM II PWAD for Deathmatches only! This level was influenced by the first level of DOOM II, mainly due to its incredible playability which I hope to have captured. :The level has a common corridor where frequent furores of fast furious fragging usually takes place (just like the original). All the weapons are available, but you have to earn the better ones. An outer green area has been included for the claustrophobes amongst you. :Watch your backs though...the windows can make good sniping points (helps to keep that adrenaline going). :A co-operate exit has been included. To use it, someone must hit the outside switch to allow access to the exit switch. :The small size allows you to intuatively hunt the opposition down (unlike the circular style levels ). :I recommend that the level be played with item respawn using the arguments: -deathmatch -altdeath -file blades.wad Wad Author's Advice : Watch out for the odd Plasma gun tea-leaf (thief) who tends to steal your hard earned reward after you have activated the two switches. No names mentioned, ANDREW!!! Additional Credits to :Johnny B and Andy "Stokie" Shaw for testing the level and providing feedback. The creators of DEU & ADE II and Colin Reed for writing BSP12X (Hurray! No more HOMs!) The contributors to Tom Neff's WWW page. ================================================================ * Play Information * Map Number : Level 1 Single Player : Nope, no monsters, no exit! Cooperative 2-4 Player : Nope, no monsters, no point! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yep, the more the better! Difficulty Settings : Not implemented, see above New Sounds : Nein New Graphics : Non New Music : Negative Demos Replaced : Zippo * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. A few days, on and off. Editor(s) used : ADE II Known Bugs : None to mind. If you do find any then feel free to report them. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. Send me the new levels if you do though. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact.